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  • 93 UOW Business tutors
  • 426 UOW Business ratings and reviews

Latest activity on Business subjects at Wollongong...


Fairly easy subject as long as you pay attention.

10 years ago


Just building on what was learnt in previous accounting subjects but a lot to remember.

10 years ago


Hard work. Lots of theory to get your head around

10 years ago

LAW 101

Easy as long as you're prepared.

10 years ago


Was not taught well, focus seemed to be more on lecture attendance than actually teaching the subjec...

10 years ago

FIN 111

Good subject

10 years ago


Great subject, was interesting and easy to grasp the concepts as a result. The assignments and final...

10 years ago


Not a great subject, found it to be very boring and confusing at times, with tutors sometimes contra...

10 years ago


Good subject. Tutors are very helpful, as is the lecturer.

10 years ago


Good subject

10 years ago


Can be difficult to understand, but the second half of the subject is far easier than the first half...

10 years ago


A well structured subject, making it easier to follow and understand. Overall an enjoyable subject.

10 years ago


One of the more difficult first year subjects

10 years ago


Loved this subject, very interesting and found the concepts can be easily applied to the workplace,...

10 years ago


Great subject, loved that we designed a overseas marketing campaign, found it to be a very interesti...

10 years ago


Great subject, interesting and easy. The final exam is a breeze as well.

10 years ago


Good subject and very easy, I didn't attend most of the lectures and still passed with flying colour...

10 years ago


Was not a great subject, very boring at times and the tutorials can drag on forever without actually...

10 years ago


Good subject, but can be particularly hard at times, miss one lecture and you can become so far behi...

10 years ago


Great subject, very interesting and set me up with a good foundation to continue with my management...

10 years ago


Good subject, sets you up with a good foundation of marketing concepts

10 years ago


Did not find this to be a very interesting subject, but is fairly easy to understand

10 years ago


Great subject, can be difficult if you do not attend lectures regularly, so definitely recommend att...

10 years ago


Great subject, very interesting and has the bonus of providing you with first hand workplace experie...

10 years ago

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