
These notes were used to obtain a high HD mark of 87 for Introduction to IP in Semester 1, 2024. These are detailed and structured notes covering all three examinable topics of the course. Note: Trademarks are not included in this set of notes as this topic was assessed in the assignment only in S1 2024. The notes include quick and easy-to-navigate case summaries and clear step-by-step guides to answer problem or exam questions on each examinable topic. They are colour coded throughout - green for cases, blue for legislation. Topics are also colour coded for ease of access -pink for Copyright, purple for Patents, and blue for Breach of Confidence. These features make the notes accessible and easy to use to produce HD-level responses in the 12-hour exam. These notes cover all examinable topics including: - COPYRIGHT - PATENTS - BREACH OF CONFIDENCE Please ensure you adapt these notes for any changes to the course for your semester. Good luck!


Semester 1, 2024

44 pages

19,710 words



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