
These notes helped me get a mark of 84 at the exam, and 80 overall (HD) in Semester 2, 2023. They are: - up to date - colour coded by topic and citation - cover all topics in the course with case analogies and examples. I've included concise pre-written scripts that are short enough to navigate in an exam setting, but still cover everything you need to know to tackle problem questions effectively. Topics include: 1. Preliminary Issues (Relevance, Discretions, Jury Directions, Leave Factors) 2. Competence & Compellability 3. Privilege 4. Examination of Witnesses 5. Credibility & Character 6. Accused's Right to Silence 7. Tendency & Coincidence 8. Hearsay & Exceptions to the Hearsay Rule 9. Admissions 10. Illegally & Improperly Obtained Evidence 11. Opinion Evidence


Semester 2, 2023

30 pages

14,740 words



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