
These notes were instrumental in achieving a HD score of 83 on the final exam - for a subject that is notorious for being the most challenging subject in law school! - Includes all topics from week 1 - 12, ensuring you have a full understanding of all course material. - Compilation of readings, lecture notes, case extracts and quick summaries of relevant legislation extracts. - Colour coded and formatted by topic, making them easy to understand and navigate in a timed setting. - Relevant cases and legislation sections are colour coded for quick reference. - References to related topics are clearly highlighted so you can understand connections across the subject matter easily. List of Topics: 1) Mortgages 2) Equitable Interests 3) Co-ownership 4) Indefeasibility 5) Exceptions to Indefeasibility 6) Unregistered Interests


Semester 2, 2023

50 pages

29,111 words



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