
This is a FULL SET of Business Association notes from trimester 1 2021. I received 88 in this course and was taught by the incredible Scott Donald. These notes also include ALL THEORY READINGS NOTES as preparation for the mid term assignment. The topics taught in this course include: - Class 1 - Introduction to Corporations and Australian Incorporation - Class 2 - Separate Legal Personality, Shar Transferability, Perpetual Succession and Limited Liability - Class 3 - Business Associations other than Companies - Class 4 - The Corporate Constitution and Decision-making by the Board of Directors - Class 5 - Decision making by shareholders and general meetings - Class 6 - THEORY - Theories of the Corporation and its Governance - Class 7 - Attribution of Liability (Tortious Liability and Criminal Liability) - Class 8 - Attribution of Liability (Authority of Agents and Corporate Contracting) - Class 9 - Introduction to Directors Duties and Liabilities - Class 10 - Insolvent administration, directors duty to prevent insolvent trading & holding company liability for insolvent trading - Class 11 - Directors duty of skill, care and diligence at general law under CA s 180 - Class 12 - Duty to act in good faith in the company's best interest and for proper purposes - Class 13 - Duty to avoid conflicts of interest, secret profits and ss 182 and 183 CA - Class 14 - Further statutory modification of duties of directors: conflicts of interest and misleading and deceptive conduct by companies and the position of directors - Class 15 - Remedies and sanctions for breach of directors duties - Class 16 - Shareholders remedies part 1 - Class 17 - Shareholder remedies part 2 - Class 18 - Corporate Groups


Term 1, 2021

220 pages

139,540 words



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