LAWS2371 Resolving Civil Disputes FULL DETAILED NOTES (162 pages including ALL cases COLOUR CODED - HD 90 Trimester 1 2021)
Subject notes for UNSW LAWS2371
This is a FULL SET of resolving civil disputes notes from trimester 1 2021. This course uses 2 seperate textbooks which i have used to create this incredible set of full course notes. These RCD notes follow the order in which classes are taught: - Class 1 - Introduction to litigation - Class 2 - Alternatives to litigation - Class 3 - Mediation in practice - Class 4 - Arbitration - Class 5 - Legal technology during the pandemic and online dispute resolution - Class 6 - Court annexed mediation, enforceability of ADR clauses, settlement negotiation privilege - Class 7 - Case management - Class 8 - Costs - Class 9 - Security for costs and funding litigation - Class 10 - Limitation periods, freezing and search orders - Class 11 - Pleadings - Class 12 - Standing, res judicata and anshun estoppel, causes of action and parties, class actions - Class 13 - Client privilege - Class 14 - Service - Class 15 - Discovery, discovery and technology, implied undertaking - Class 16 - Subpoenas, witness preparation and affidavits - Class 17 - Summary disposal, appeal, enforcement and execution of judgement
Term 1, 2021
162 pages
87,286 words
UNSW, Kensington
Member since
February 2018
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