
Full set of CPEP notes from Trimester 2 2020. I achieved a HD with a mark of 89. includes ALL CASES and easy to follow for final exam (both PROBLEM QUESTION and ESSAY). List of Topics: - Accusatorial justice - Prosecuting, Adversarialism, Disclosure; Proof; The Defendant in Court - Introducing the Uniform Evidence Act (UEA or UEL) and Relevance - The Witness (& competence etc), Examination in Chief and Evaluating the witness) - Cross-Examination, The Credibility Rule and Credibility Exceptions - Exceptions to Credibility Rule Continued, Procedural rules of Witness Questioning, Completing XXN, Addressing Re-examination, Limits of Re-opening - Hearsay Rule - Character Evidence - Tendency Evidence - Coincidence Evidence - The Opinion Rule - Identification Evidence - Jury Directions


Term 2, 2020

131 pages

75,609 words



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