
These are a complete set of readings and online module notes for LAWS1230 from Trimester 3 2020. I received an 89 for the course and my lecturer was Marina Nehme. THESE ARE PERFECT FOR THE FINAL EXAM AS THEY INCLUDE DETAILED PARKER AND EVANS READINGS AND ANALYSIS. The topics included are: - Introduction to LEJ - Ethics, Legal Ethics and The Law - Clinical Component - Behavioural Legal Ethics - The Legal Profession and Entry into the Legal Profession - Lawyers Accountability (Complaints and Discipline) - Fidelity to the Law and Accountability - Access to Justice and Context of Change - Ethics of the Lawyer-Client Relationship - Representing and Advising the Client - Money Matters - Ethics Implementation – Giving voice to value - Client Loyalty and Trust - Civility, Courtesy and Ethic Implementation - Conflicting Loyalties - Ethics of Negotiation and ADR - Criminal and Family Ethics - Corporate Ethics


Term 3, 2020

124 pages

67,619 words



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