HD (92). PSYU3349 Design & Statistics III Comprehensive Notes
Subject notes for Macq. PSYU3349
Thank you for viewing my notes! This unit is quite a difficult one, so I hope my notes are able to shed some light on any concepts you may struggle to grasp. I re-word nearly everything I hear in the lectures so that it is written in a way which I understand and is simple to grasp. I did very well in this subject, getting 92 overall in the unit - largely thanks to having made these detailed notes. I am a top performing student (within the top 1% of my cohort) and have a WAM of 89. These notes include all of the unit lectures for the following: Week 1: Multiple Regression Week 2: ANOVA via Regression Week 3: ANOVA Week 4: Numeric Regression Interactions & Curvilinear Relationships Week 5: Badly Behaved Data Week 6: Model Reduction Week 7: Logistic Regression Week 8: Logistic Regression Continued Week 9: An Introduction to Repeated-Measures Design Week 10: Repeated Measures & Their Analysis Week 11: Repeated Measures & Their Analysis II Week 12: Mixed Design
Semester 1, 2021
122 pages
26,458 words
Macq., North Ryde
Member since
February 2019
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