FINC3011 International Financial Management COMPLETE NOTES
Subject notes for USYD FINC3011
High quality notes that clearly, concisely and comprehensively outline the entire FINC3011 course. Compiled from lecture notes, tutorials, the textbook and additional readings, as well as anything learned during assessments during the semester. These notes concisely cover the entire course and any of the relevant case study examples, all formulae and graphs / tables / diagrams. Very well structured and colour coded. Topic List: - Introduction - FX Markets and Exchange Rates - FX Markets and Exchange Rates - International Parity Conditions - Currency Derivatives: Currency Futures and Options - Currency Derivatives: Interest Rate and Foreign Currency Swaps - Exchange Rate Determination and Forecasting - Risk Management and Foreign Currency Hedging - Measuring and Managing Real Exchange Risk - International Debt and Equity Financing - International Capital Market Equilibrium - Political and Country Risk Analysis
Semester 1, 2020
42 pages
15,006 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
March 2017
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