
High quality notes that clearly, concisely and comprehensively outline the entire IBUS3101 course. Complied from lecture notes and readings. HD quality notes. These notes concisely cover the entire course and any of the relevant case study examples, graphs / tables / diagrams. Topics include all content from the course: - Introduction to the course and instructors - Theoretical perspectives in alliance research Part 1 - Theoretical perspectives in alliance research Part 2 - Rationale for strategic alliances - Partner selection and motives - Partner selection and negotiation of performance metrics - Alliance governance, alliance management, trust and capability Part 1 - Alliance governance, alliance management, trust and capability Part 2 - Alliance performance evaluation and termination - Cross-border alliances and the cultural challenge, alliance co-opetition, collaborating with competitors Very well structured and colour coded.


Semester 1, 2019

54 pages

15,806 words



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