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Comprehensive notes created using lecture/tutorial notes, the textbook, statutory and case law materials. These notes include: - all relevant legislation - all cases including their facts and principles ALSO AVAILABLE: These notes are useful alongside the more concise Tort Law Scaffolds (available separately). Topics include: 1. Duty of Care - Established Duty - Novel Fact Scenario - Psychiatric Injury 2. Breach of Duty 3. Causation 4. Defences - Contributory Negligence - Volenti non fit injuria - Illegal Conduct - Intoxication - Self Defence - Children - Disability 5. Damages 6. Vicarious Liability - Personal Liability - Vicarious Liability - Non-delegable Duty 7. Joint and Several Liability 8. Compensation to Relatives 9. Survival Actions 10. Action for Loss of Services


Semester 2, 2017

96 pages

96 words



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