
The note is fully indexed with bookmarks and headings, and therefore easy to navigate between sections. The author adopts a partisan approach and includes in one topic must-have statement as well as counter-arguments the other party might raise in the hypo. It also includes the lecturers' wisdom when commenting on past exams. The notes cover the 12 weeks' learning including the following topics: 1. Solvency / Bankruptcy assessment 2. Commencing bankruptcy - Involuntary bankruptcy - Voluntary bankruptcy - Alternatives to bankruptcy - Discharge - Annulment 3. Consequence of bankruptcy - Personal impact - Vesting of property - Deprivation of right to pursue provable debts - Stay of legal proceedings 4. Recovery Proceeding in bankruptcy - Undervalued transactions - Transfer to defeat creditors - Preferences 5. Alternative to liquidation - Voluntary winding up - Voluntary administration - Receivership 6. Commencing liquidation (most importantly, wound up on insolvency) 7. Consequence of liquidation 8. Priority in distribution 9. Recovery proceeding in winding up - Voidable transaction - Transaction defeating employee entitlements - Circulating security interest - Security interest in favour of officer - Insolvent trading The table of contents in the first three pages will give you a detailed review as to what is covered in the notes. The author also sells her case notes on StudentVIP.


Semester 2, 2018

53 pages

20,961 words



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