
ANSWER PLANS FOR EXAM & ASSIGNMENT FORMATION These plans/templates were formed through drawing on the following sources: the prescribed textbook, lectures/slides, study guide, tutorial questions and other exam questions/answer guides. Using these plans I obtained a High Distinction overall and High Distinction on the exam. I have also used these plans for tutoring purposes. These guides are extremely easy to follow "road-map" type of step by step plans, written in plain English for ease of application in high pressure exam type situations. Topics the answer plans cover include - interests in land boundaries & encroachments priority rules unregistered interests priority rule for unregistered interests caveat system (protection) indefeasibility fraudulent mortgage statutory exceptions to indefeasibility fraud prior certificate wrong description of land paramount interest non-statutory exceptions to indefeasibility in personam inconsistent legislation volunteers compensation, assurance fund co-ownerships severance Disclaimer: the answer plan document includes pages numbers called "notes" these link to my in depth land law notes document for ease of reference. The are available for separate purchase - also listed on student VIP.


Semester 2, 2017

36 pages

12,599 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

Member since

July 2015