
I achieved an HD in this unit and these notes contain all the information that I compiled and used during this semester. This is a comprehensive compilation of all information covered from week 1 to 12 of ECC2000. You want a high mark? you've come to the right place! Included: - formatted, laid out information for easy understanding - An abundance of images, tables, graphs to assist in interpreting the information included - everything covered from w1 to w12 that you need to know to achieve my mark! (updated as of sem 2, 2018) Topic list: 1. Supply and Demand 2. Demand: consumer behavior 3. Supply curve analysis 4. Cost functions/Profit maximization 5. Welfare analysis / monopoly 6. Price discrimination / oligopoly 7. Game Theory and Competitive Strategy 8. Asymmetric Information 9. Uncertainty and Consumer Behavior


Semester 2, 2018

44 pages

7,305 words



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