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An unit that held its second test (10%) on the final day of semester just before exam day, with the...

6 years ago


Content was certainly interesting. Delivery was great, given by the unit Convenor and guest lecturer...

6 years ago


This unit is the essiest 300level unit ever. Tutor is perfect.very fun, open and inspiring tutor. I...

6 years ago


It is a good/complicated unit. However,if you do not have an interest in politics then do not do thi...

6 years ago


Loved it. Extremely interesting and you can study at your own pace. Tutorials are concise and very w...

6 years ago


It was interesting. The statistics sector was pretty hard. Tutorials were mostly a waste of time. 2...

6 years ago


I loved this unit! There is a huge amount of content, so try to do your readings every week, even th...

6 years ago


A lot of content, but very interesting! Make sure you keep up with the stats content and don't leave...

6 years ago


One of the worst run units, tute homework’s are very complex because it’s straight out of the postgr...

6 years ago


It’s easy if you did hsc economics, it’s a chill class with a good lecturer

6 years ago


Keep practicing the content until you understand it, then you’ll find the unit easy

6 years ago


Very well run unit, just do the work and you’ll do well

6 years ago


Do not do this unit unless you love...I mean love Astronomy!! This unit is unorganised and messy. Th...

6 years ago


Easy subject to do well in and the final exam is not that hard a lot of past papers online which is...

6 years ago


Well organised unit and the most interesting unit I have done so far in my first year at MQ

6 years ago


A lot of content to revise and go over for the final exam. The stats lecturer does make the course a...

6 years ago


Subject is interesting but lectures are boring

6 years ago


Lecturer was insane, everything was aggressive even the assessment outlines (which were in caps) he...

6 years ago


What a fantastic lecturer! Penny was so engaging and explained concepts very clearly. I found it eas...

6 years ago


Very very easy subject. Just make sure you leave enough time before the final exam to get familiar w...

6 years ago


This is such a time consuming subject. They'll assign group tasks when assessments are due and in ge...

6 years ago


I found that you really need to read the textbook in order to gain a solid understanding of this sub...

6 years ago


This was a really interesting unit and the lectures were great. All the cases were explained thoroug...

6 years ago


This subject is fairly easy to ace. However, the 2 hr seminars are a waste of time. I had Kevin the...

6 years ago

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