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My tutor Francis was professional, and has extensive industrial experience. What the unit lacked was...

5 years ago


Favourite subject thus far in law.

5 years ago


Similar experience of this psych unit with all the other reviews. Marked so harshly and it is comple...

5 years ago


Great subject taught by a great lecturer. Ilija is one of the best lecturers I have had. He really e...

5 years ago


Probably one of the hardest subjects in the law degree so far. There are no lecture notes and Peter...

5 years ago


As my first taste of university-level coursework, I was pleasantly surprised by how well organised t...

5 years ago


Poor teaching, disappointing subject which ended up mainly self taught with assessments which were m...

5 years ago


very interesting and super easy assignments, no end of year exam

5 years ago


lectureer was so engaging, very easy unit to do if you keep up every week

5 years ago


Boring as hell, but easy pass if you attend tutorials & stay up to date with unit guide with the min...

5 years ago


Participation is worth 30% which is ridiculous. Unit was not interesting at all, same content as eve...

5 years ago


This unit is what you make of it. Straightforward assessments. Main focus is your placement. So was...

5 years ago


This subject has interesting content and isn't too difficult. Previous reviews say it well, lecture...

5 years ago


Content was confusing and dull. Week to week there was little linking between different topics. Lec...

5 years ago


Not bad overall. Easy and practical content. Not too much content or readings. But marking is fairl...

5 years ago


If you did any Microeconomics course in high school, ECON111 will be easy. However, there is quite a...

5 years ago


Lectures are easy, coherent, and actually useful when I did it. Textbook more or less mostly unneces...

5 years ago


This is a simple course, basic concepts. Best idea is to get the textbook, the diagrams are clear, c...

5 years ago


Quite possibly the worst unit I have ever done at Macquarie. If you though you were going to learn h...

5 years ago


STAT273 is pretty straightforward if you have a little background in mathematics, integration and di...

5 years ago


MATH133 is the next step in first year advanced mathematics, for the calculus stream it cover Sequen...

5 years ago


This unit is a very theoretical unit. Very long lectures (3hrs) with the last 30-40 mins dedicated t...

5 years ago


The lecturer was so knowledgeable and engaging, definitely the highlight of the unit, even though th...

5 years ago


Engaging unit, however I found EDUC262 much more interesting and way better as an educational psycho...

5 years ago

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