• 4,515 UNSW subjects
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Maths 1B is a very useful subject. You continue learning algebra and calculus from maths 1B, as well...

9 years ago


ENGG1000 is a pretty useful subject. You practice working in teams, usually with engineers from diff...

9 years ago


Far better than IELTS. Certainly easier than IELTS.

9 years ago


If you get Mohammad as a teacher, then..... I'm sorry in advance. The subject is interesting and the...

9 years ago


Just enjoy it, it's a break and can be a lot of fun making friends and eating cheese etc. It's com...

9 years ago


Really interesting, useful course for anatomy and neuroscience majors. Can be quite challenging, but...

9 years ago


ARTS1031 was one of my favourite courses in the English Literature program at UNSW. As the title sug...

9 years ago


It teaches you to think outside the box, be creative, no right or wrong answers and to develop your...

9 years ago


For any design students or double degree students, this is the first year fundamental course you hav...

9 years ago


This subject was a lot of fun, we learnt the science behind designing games and then in groups made...

9 years ago


Core subject for the Criminology degree. Would recommend if you're looking for a relatively easy way...

9 years ago


accidental review. will update when I've finished. soz guys!

9 years ago


CRIM2038 is an interesting subject although the lecturer, Michael is a boring man to listen to. He i...

9 years ago


Do not recommend this course. Teacher focuses on totally wrong things.

9 years ago


Pretty good for giving you the principles or PR. But course outline and assessment outline was not f...

9 years ago


Purely online, allows for freedom

9 years ago


A well taught and structured course. Prusty does a great job and has good notes, especially the stud...

9 years ago


Spanish classes rock! Best language to learn! Easy and extremely useful.

9 years ago


Pretty chill and easy but content is super dry and boring. No true discussion in the lecture so you...

9 years ago


Very challenging subject, however when you are able to grasp some of the concept it will be interest...

9 years ago


The textbook is extremely helpful so make sure you read it to supplement your lecture notes - additi...

9 years ago


Open book test at the end - make sure you do your tutorial homework and take notes in tut as this wi...

9 years ago


This course was really interesting and eye-opening. The three hour classes are a bit long, but worth...

9 years ago


It was a very interesting and engaging course. All of the learning occurs in the tutorials

9 years ago

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