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CRIM2038 is an interesting subject although the lecturer, Michael is a boring man to listen to. He i...

9 years ago


Pretty good for giving you the principles or PR. But course outline and assessment outline was not f...

9 years ago


Spanish classes rock! Best language to learn! Easy and extremely useful.

9 years ago


Pretty chill and easy but content is super dry and boring. No true discussion in the lecture so you...

9 years ago


This course was really interesting and eye-opening. The three hour classes are a bit long, but worth...

9 years ago


Amanda was an excellent lecturer/tutor. Approachable, easy to work with and super supportive.

9 years ago


Duncan speaks way too fast and fills his slides with plenty of words which he basically re-reads to...

9 years ago


Weird subject, surprisingly difficult to get high marks in. Lectures are boring but worth to go

9 years ago


I agree, the subject is silly, and the lectures are a regurgitation of the readings. Tutorials are m...

9 years ago


A really easy subject, just make sure that you pay attention in class, as I found the tutorials more...

9 years ago


really great course. very enjoyable. however, be careful when doing assignments to make sure you are...

9 years ago


Not bad if you enjoy learning the language

9 years ago


A little fast paced sometimes I think they forget that this is supposed to be a non-background cours...

9 years ago


Interesting subject for anyone interested in studying the Chinese language.

9 years ago


Good course overall with a good indepth summary of the 20th century. I really like the lecturer for...

9 years ago


Interesting subject, just not excellently taught. Do your readings and be on top of your final proje...

9 years ago


This subject is amazing - not only are the readings wide and varied, but Dr M is an amazing lecturer...

9 years ago


A lot of people have mentioned that they found the lecturer very dry but I think his teaching style...

9 years ago


I did this subject having done first semester Introductory French at USyd and consequently found thi...

9 years ago


This subject is amazing - not only are the readings wide and varied, but Dr M is an amazing lecturer...

9 years ago


I found this subject really difficult simply because the staff member running it wasn't very engagin...

9 years ago


One of the most relevant subjects to take if you're studying to become a teacher. Great lecturers, s...

10 years ago


Mixed feelings about this class, it was enjoyable as I chose it as an elective but I'm not sure if i...

10 years ago


lecturer is good, subject is stupid.....

10 years ago

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