A Glossary of Literary Terms

M.H. Abrams, Geoffrey Harpham

For sale by Tarni Lynch for $65

Norton Anthology of Poetry 5E


For sale by Tarni Lynch for $60

ARTS1031 HD Notes (TRIMESTER COURSE STRUCTURE) - Extremely Comprehensive and Detailed Summary

- 63 pages HD quality notes - notes complied for the new trimester structured course - extremely d...

63 pages, 27342 words


$39 per hour

I am an experienced IELTS, PTE,, Academic Writing and English tutor. I am a PhD student at UNSW and...


excellent course structure, which discusses in depth teaching and application of literature theory across many famous poems (including Sappho's poems, HD's poems, McKay's poems etc) and also really interesting prose texts such as Jekyll and Hyde as well as Jane Eyre and Virginia Woolf's 'A Room of One's Own'. I took this course while it was taught by Prof Helen Groth, and it was truly amazing and really interesting, her lectures are really great, heaps of info on the slides and really useful resources suggested.

Anonymous, Term 3, 2019

ARTS1031 was one of my favourite courses in the English Literature program at UNSW. As the title suggests, it covers the early modern and modern periods of English Literature and includes the likes of Pope, Jane Austin, Katherine Mansfield and Samuel Beckett, among many others. This course offers depth as well as breadth and, when it was convened by Dr Bill Walker, was thoroughly engaging and stimulating.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015