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  • 1,489 subject notes at UNSW
  • 20,593 subject notes Australia-wide

The latest notes at The University of New South Wales...

ACTL4305 / ACTL5305: HD + super concise notes, including diagrams and synthesised from various sources

UNSW ACTL4305 - Actuarial Data Analytics Applications

For Term 3, 2021


High Distinction EDST1101 Notes

UNSW EDST1101 - Educational Psychology

For Term 3, 2023


TABL2751 Complete Notes - Perfect for the final open Book Exam (Easy Reference)

UNSW TABL2751 - Business Taxation

For Semester 2, 2018


Detailed ACCT3563 Final Notes (Theories + All Lecture Examples)

UNSW ACCT3563 - Issues in Financial Reporting and Analysis

For Semester 1, 2017


HD (91) PSYC3051 Additional Reading Notes

UNSW PSYC3051 - Physiological Psychology

For Term 2, 2021


DN PSYC3241 W1-5 Extra Reading Summaries

UNSW PSYC3241 - Psychobiology of Memory and Motivation

For Term 2, 2021


HD PSYC1001 Comprehensive Notes - T2 2020 Trimester Syllabus

UNSW PSYC1001 - Psychology 1A

For Term 2, 2020


(HD: 85) PSYC2061 Course notes + Revision sheet

UNSW PSYC2061 - Social and Developmental Psychology

For Term 1, 2019



UNSW CVEN9405 - Urban Transport Planning Practice

For Semester 2, 2017


HD PSYC2101 (Assessment, Personality and Psychopathology) lecture, tutorial, online module and reading notes

UNSW PSYC2101 - Assessment, Personality & Psychopathology

For Term 3, 2022


FIRST IN COURSE - HD (89) - LAWS3018 Commercial Law - Full notes

UNSW LAWS3018 - Commercial Law

For Term 1, 2020


Very comprehensive BA notes (HD)

UNSW JURD7224 - Business Associations

For Term 2, 2019


HD acct3563 Study Notes

UNSW ACCT3563 - Issues in Financial Reporting and Analysis

For Semester 2, 2017


HD exam notes for contract law

UNSW JURD7175 - Contracts

For Semester 2, 2018


High Distinction: PSYC1027 Forensic Psychology Notes

UNSW PSYC1027 - Forensic Psychology: Crime, Courts & Corrections

For Semester 2, 2017


High Distinction - Administrative Law EXAM note

UNSW JURD7160 - Administrative Law

For Term 3, 2022


2019 JURD 7160 High Distinction Admin Exam Notes

UNSW JURD7160 - Administrative Law

For Term 1, 2019


JURD7160 Detailed HIGH DISTINCTION (87) Final Exam Notes

UNSW JURD7160 - Administrative Law

For Term 1, 2020



UNSW LAWS1160 - Administrative Law

For Term 2, 2020


LAWS1230 Full Course Notes (85, HIGH DISTINCTION)

UNSW LAWS1230 - Lawyers, Ethics and Justice

For Semester 1, 2018


LAWS1160 Detailed HIGH DISTINCTION (87) Final Exam Notes

UNSW LAWS1160 - Administrative Law

For Term 1, 2020


HD- PPL -Exam Note(16 pages)

UNSW LAWS1150 - Principles of Private Law

For Semester 1, 2018



UNSW LAWS3391 - Family Law

For Semester 2, 2017


UNSW notes by subject area: