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Excellent introduction to some machine learning techniques. Trevor Cohn dealt with the difficulty of...

4 years ago


Incredibly useful subject to teach the basics of Algorithms. A solid understanding of Mathematics is...

4 years ago


Excellent subject to teach the fundamentals of OOP, however very poorly organised with feedback and...

4 years ago


Don't be fooled by the subject's title: it contains very little Security and too much of machine lea...

4 years ago


I would avoid this subject if you're an average student. The concepts are very abstract and nothing...

4 years ago


So badly taught, lectures are all over the place and assignments teach you more about how much you h...

4 years ago


This subject was great but there was way too much content for a subject worth 12.5 credits. If you h...

4 years ago


The most annoying subject that I ever had. No practical use at all. It is meant to be about 'high in...

4 years ago


Fantastic subject, the lecturer Nir is amazing. The skills you develop in this class not only make u...

4 years ago


If it is for semester 2, I strongly recommend you to take it. Very easy to get H1. Actually very eas...

4 years ago


Decide to withdraw after the first week of the semester. No workshop and mainly about theoretic conc...

4 years ago


Good subject for software dev. But dont take the subject with thomas Christy , he is good at java ,...

4 years ago


By far the best 2nd year CIS subject ever (better alternative to Design of Algorithms) Goes through...

5 years ago


Good subject, though a bit slow for anyone who's done COMP10002 or VCE Algo. Be careful with the ass...

5 years ago


Materials are a lot. Lectures are very compact. We need to invest a lot of time to be able to grasp...

5 years ago


Yeah this subject was a bit of a shit show this semester, mostly in regards to the assignments submi...

5 years ago



5 years ago


This is a very content heavy subject. You're taught an overview of computer networking along with a...

5 years ago


Peter Stuckey is a terrible teacher.

5 years ago


Nir Lipovetzky is a great lecturer and manages this subject well! Although people might opt for this...

5 years ago


If you are expecting you will learn the theory of testing and it's typing, you are wrong. Also, they...

6 years ago


This is one of the most challenging and useful subjects. I am very lucky that one of the best teache...

6 years ago


Probably one of the best subjects I've taken at uni, although not the easiest. The content is quite...

6 years ago


so many readings

6 years ago

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