
Federal Constitutional Law Scaffolds Overall Mark 86 - Scaffolds for final examination These scaffolds were made during the Semester 1, 2024 and contain all the latest readings and cases. These scaffolds were created by 3 students who all obtained 75+ with the main contributor achieving 86. They are clear, easy to understand, in a step, by step format which allow you to solve any problem question. They were used for the Final Examination. EACH TOPIC HAS 1. Summary Scaffold (The main overriding questions to ask) 2. A Intro sentence which states what the general topic is about 3. Proper Scaffold with references (in Blue) Tips from the lecturer Topics 1. Race 2. Taxation 3. Grants 4. Defence 5. Implied Freedom of Political Communication 6. Intergovernmental Immunities 7. Doctrine of Communist Party Case 8. Freedom of Interstate Trade and Intercourse 9. Reading down and severance


Semester 1, 2024

40 pages

13,731 words


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