
A highly detailed and comprehensive set of notes covering all weeks. Topics covered: - The origin and nature of equity - Undue influence and unconscientious dealing - Injunctions and specific performance - Fiduciary relationships - Fiduciary remedies and tracing - Equitable assignments - Nature and classification of trusts - Trustees' and beneficiaries' rights and duties - Certainty of intention and statutory formalities - Certainty of subject matter and certainty of objects - Charitable Trusts These notes are highly detailed, with case law supporting each legal principle which proves very handy during exams! They are also well-organized with headings and sub-headings. I have attached sample notes in order to help you get a feel for the notes and their layout. Please keep in mind that the sections included in the sample notes are not complete. I am sure you will find these notes will cover each and every topic from A-Z. Good luck with your exams!


Trimester 1, 2023

78 pages

27,283 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

Member since

July 2019