LAWS2383 Land Law FULL DETAILED NOTES (127 pages including ALL cases COLOUR CODED - HD 89 Trimester 2 2021)
Subject notes for UNSW LAWS2383
This is a FULL SET of Land Law notes from trimester 2 2021. I received 89 in this course and was taught by the incredible Cathy Sherry. These notes also include ALL THEORY READINGS NOTES as preparation for the final exam essay! CLASS LIST 1. Fundamental Concepts in Land Law 2. Origins of Australian Land Law and introduction to Native Title 3. Native Title 4. Introduction to Torrens 5. Indefeasibility 6. Fraud and s56C 7. Volunteers, short-term leases, and the in personam exception 8. Overriding statutes 9. Caveats and competing equitable interests 10. Co-ownership 11. Leases (leasing fundamentals, substantive requirements, covenants) 12. Leases (multiple sources of rights, assignment) 13. Leases (remedies, leases as contracts) 14. Mortgages 15. Easements Part One 16. Easements Part Two & Freehold covenants Part One 17. Freehold covenants Part Two 18. Revision
Term 2, 2021
127 pages
84,014 words
UNSW, Kensington
Member since
February 2018
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