LAWS2270 Law in the Global Context FULL DETAILED NOTES (197 pages including ALL cases and case studies COLOUR CODED - HD 87 Trimester 2 2021)
Subject notes for UNSW LAWS2270
This is a FULL SET of Law in the Global Context notes from trimester 2 2021. I received 87 in this course and was taught by course convenor Jonathan Bonnitcha. These notes also include ALL CASE STUDY NOTES (COVID-19 and Cruise Ships, Assange, Castel Electronics v TCL Air Conditioners and International Child Abduction) that are used in both the mid term assignment and the final exam. CLASS LIST: 1. Introduction: International Law and Globalisation 2. Introduction: International Law and Its Sources 2b. Online – Customary International Law and Freedom and Justice Party Case 3. Introduction: The Relationship between International Law and Australian Law 4. COVID-19 and Cruise Ships: Introducing the Law of the Sea and Navigational Rights LRW 1 (Online) Legal Research and Writing: Introduction and Treaties 5. COVID-19 and Cruise Ships: International organisations, the IMO and the WHO LRW 2 (Online) Legal Research and Writing: Custom and Cases 6. COVID-19 and Cruise Ships: International Dispute Settlement and National Court Actions 7. LRW 3 – Legal Research and Writing 8. Assange: Introduction to Comparative Law and to Extradition 9. Assange: Possible Extradition to Sweden 9b. Online – Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy 10. Assange: Possible Extradition to US and Diplomatic Protection 11a. Online: Introduction to Private International Law 11. Castel Electronics v TCL Air Conditioners: Introduction to Castel Electronics v TCL Air Conditioner and CISG 12. Castel Electronics v TCL Air Conditioners: Arbitration – Law, Policy and International Dimensions 13. Castel Electronics v TCL Air Conditioners: Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Australia and Abroad 14. International Child Abduction: the Hague Convention 14b. Online: Implementation of Hague Convention in Australia 15. International Child Abduction: Vincenti/Garning/Garrett Case 16. International Child Abduction: Interaction of Treaty Regimes 17. Revision Class
Term 2, 2021
197 pages
130,031 words
UNSW, Kensington
Member since
February 2018
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