
These notes include all lectures and readings from the relevant weeks including: 1. Introduction 2. COGNITIVE BEHAVIOURAL APPROACHES 1 3. COGNITIVE BEHAVIOURAL APPROACHES II 4. COGNITIVE BEHAVIOURAL APPROACHES III 5. DIVERSITY AND RESILIENCE IN COUNSELLING 6. MINDFULNESS AND ACCEPTANCE APPROACHES 1 8. ACCEPTANCE AND EMOTION FOCUSED APPROACHES 10. ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 11. SOLUTION FOCUSED THERAPY The relevant textbook is Ivey, , Ivey, , & Zalaquett, (2017). Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development in a Multicultural Society. (9th Ed.). Boston, USA: Cengage Learning. I received an overall mark of 75 for this unit.


Semester 2, 2021

25 pages

13,330 words


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Macq., North Ryde

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February 2020