
Comprehensive taxation law notes which combine information from lectures, tutorials, textbook readings and past exams to create well-structured exam notes. 📚 Using these notes I achieved an overall H1 85 mark, with 85% on the exam. 📚 The notes are set up for use during exams, so are ordered by the overarching topic rather than the order of lectures. 📚 For key topics, such as income tax, foreign residency tests and fringe benefits, the notes are set up as easy-to-follow, step by step guides to answering questions. 📚 Covers all 12 weeks of content, with a table of contents included in the sample available. 📚 Detailed summaries of key cases are included in the notes, especially in tables that call out where it is important to reference cases in assignments/exams. Good luck with Taxation Law 1, and I hope these notes help you out! - I am also selling my Corporate Law notes (H1, 86, 89 exam) which are set out in a similar format and level of depth :)


Semester 2, 2020

47 pages

18,500 words



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