
These notes are a combination of detailed and concise information from lecture slides, explanations and important points from lecturers, and useful diagrams to make concepts easier to visualise. Notes were made with the learning objectives in mind, as important concepts from every learning objective are in bolded subheadings. They're super easy to read and understand. This was the only material I used to study for the MSTs and final exam, and I achieved an overall H1 (92)! Hopefully these notes can help you ace Visual Neuro! The notes cover these topics: - Structure of the eye & retina - Photoreceptors - Parallel pathways - Amacrine cells - Ganglion cells - Assessment methods in visual neuro - The eye as a window to the CNS - Basic concepts in Neuroscience - Physiology of parallel channels & the LGN - Visual cortex cell types & orientation selectivity - Visual cortex functional architecture - Vision & balance - Retinal mosaic & sampling - Imaging retinal cells - Eye movements - Visual perception during saccades - Visual prosthesis - Cortical streams in visual processing - Visual attention - Visual development & amblyopia - Extrageniculate visual pathways & audio-visual integration - Higher visual perceptions - object recognition, motion perception, depth & spatial relations - Plasticity & learning - Light adaptation - Dark adaptation Note: headings of each lecture are in the form: number ( is week 10 lecture 1).


Semester 2, 2020

68 pages

29,278 words



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