
These are the best notes I have ever created for a subject (if I do say so myself). I spent a lot of time compiling these notes so I was able to take the exam with ease. Evidence is an easy subject once you have wrapped your head around the topics - so use these notes either on their own or in conjunction with you own. I hope they help you out as much as they helped me! PS: I have also included my flowchart which was a lifesaver during the exam! (this is at the bottom of the notes PDF) The topics included are: 1. IS THE EVIDENCE RELEVANT? 2. ARE THEY JUDICIAL MATTERS? 3. DO ANY OF THE REBUTTABLE PRESUMPTIONS APPLY? 4. IS A WITNESS COMPELLABLE AND COMPETENT TO GIVE EVIDENCE? 5. DOES THE CREDIBILITY RULE APPLY? 6. DOES THE TENDENCY RULE OR COINCIDENCE RULE APPLY? 7. RESTRICTIONS ON ADMISSIONS AND PREVIOUS REPRESENTATIONS? 8. DOES THE OPINION RULE APPLY? 9. DOES THE EVIDENCE CONTRAVENE THE RULE ABOUT EVIDENCE OF JUDGMENTS AND CONVICTIONS? 10. DOES THE HEARSAY RULE APPLY? 11. DOES A PRIVILEGE APPLY? 12. SHOULD A DISCRETION TO EXCLUDE THE EVIDENCE BE EXERCISED OR MUST IT BE EXCLUDED? IF THE EVIDENCE IS ADMISSIBLE ON THE ABOVE GROUNDS SHOULD THE COURT GIVE A WARNING TO THE JURY?


Semester 2, 2020

105 pages

50,365 words



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