
USYD CONTRACTS EXAM SCAFFOLD Covers all topics from contract formation to the contract itself and provides step by step for answering an exam/problem question. Brief explanatory notes too. It lists all the essential case law and authorities to support the IRAC structure. Topic 2 — Agreement Topic 3 — Certainty Topic 4 — Consideration Topic 5 — Intention to Create Legal Relations Topic 6 — Formalities Topic 7 — Estoppel Topic 8 — Terms Topic 9 — Construction Topic 10 — Exclusion Clauses and Privity Topic 11 — Discharge by Performance and Agreement Topic 12 — Discharge/Termination for Breach and Repudiation Topic 13 — Discharge by Frustration and the Process of Termination


Semester 1, 2020

25 pages

13,655 words



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