
These are the notes I compiled for my study for the mid semester and final exam. With these notes, I achieved 100% for the mid semester exam, 94% for the final exam, and overall got a 7 for BIOM3010 (95%). These notes are suitable for everyone, especially for people who don't have the time to go through every lecture. These notes cover all the topics taught during the lecture and also the practical content in the whole semester. Keep in mind that the mid-semester exam only tests Topic 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The final exam tests all topics and all practical content. The topics are: Topic 1: Cardiovascular Physiology (Cardiac Cycle, Electrical Activity of Heart, Control of Cardiac Output) Topic 2: Control of Arterial Pressure, Venous Return & Lymphatic System Topic 3: Classification of Dysrhythmia & Anti-Dysrhythmic Drugs Topic 4: Haemostatsis (Antiplatelets & Anticoagulants) Topic 5: Hypertension & Antihypertensives Topic 6: Atherosclerosis Topic 7: Coronary Artery Disease & Acute Coronary Syndrome Topic 8: Pharmacology of Heart Failure Topic 9: Hypotension, Hemorrhage & Shock Topic 10: Aging CVS Topic 11: Microcirculation: CV Physiology for Pharmacy Topic 12: Renal Physiology Topic 13: Diuretics


Semester 1, 2020

76 pages

19,581 words



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