
These notes are a comprehensive summary of MM403 compiled from lectures, lecture notes, and textbook readings. I received an HD in this unit with a mark of 91, so these notes are very high quality. They will be beneficial to any student undertaking this unit, as this unit has a lot of content Topic list: Topic 1 - Introduction to Strategic Management Topic 2 - Strategic Analysis: Internal Environment - Organisation Situation Analysis Topic 3 - Strategic Analysis: External Environment - Industry Topic 4 - Strategic Analysis: External Environment - Competitors Topic 5 - Strategy, Ethics & Sustainability Topic 6 - Strategy Formulation: Generic Strategies & Other Dimensions of Strategy Formulation Topic 7 - Alternatives to Strategic Analysis Topic 8 - Strategy Formulation: Multi-Business Corporations & Diversification Strategies Topic 9 - Strategy Implementation: Building an Organisation Capable of Strategy Execution Topic 10 - Strategy Implementation: Policies, Systems & Rewards, Organisational Culture & Leadership


Trimester 2, 2019

49 pages

21,413 words



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UNE, Armidale

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April 2017