
These are the notes I used for the final Federal Constitutional Law exam (Sem 1 2018). I received an overall mark of 90 in the course. They are prepared for easy use in an exam situation: by selecting the correct issue, you can work methodically through the relevant jurisprudence and apply it to the facts. The notes are written to allow quick reference to key cases, but also includes relevant details (such as important dissents etc) which may be used for tricky questions or essay responses. The notes were written by summarizing all set readings and online materials, as well as doing additional readings on some of the key cases. The sub-headings should make it particularly easy to use during an exam. These notes served me extremely well: I hope they help you too! These notes include: - Implied immunity of instrumentalities - Reserved state powers - Constitutional interpretation - Characterisation - s 51 powers - External affairs power - Races power - Taxation powers (ss 51(ii), 53, 55) - Grants power - Defence power - Inconsistency of laws - The Melbourne Corporation Principle - Freedom of interstate trade and commerce - Trial by jury - Freedom of religion - Freedom of political communication - Detention (Immigration, Kable etc)


Semester 1, 2018

23 pages

12,983 words



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April 2019