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These exam notes allowed me to achieve an exam mark of over 90% and a high distinction in the course (Dean's list). These course notes are clearly set-out, contain a comprehensive summary of all course content (readings + online material) and allow you to logically step through problem question issues raised in the exam. For most of the exam, I was able to copy out my summary notes and then apply it to the fact scenario. I used a combination of the readings, online material, my lecturer's powerpoints and the powerpoints of other lecturers to produce these exam notes. They are as succinct as possible given the extensive course content, and don't contain much on the 'policy' essay question. I hope you find them as useful as I did! Contains detailed notes on: - Introductory concepts - Case management - Costs of litigation - Security for costs - Litigation funding - Alternatives to litigaiton - Arbitration - Evidence of settlement negotiations - Freezing order - Search order - Client legal privilege - Offers of compromise - Calderbank letters - Discontinuance - Originating process - Appearance - Pleadings - Particulars - Striking out pleadings - Causes of action - Joinder of parties - Cross-claims - Service - Discovery - Implied undertakings - Subpoenas - Witness preparation - Affidavits - Representative action - Summary disposal - Appeal - Enforcement and execution of judgment


Semester 1, 2018

41 pages

19,000 words



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UNSW, Kensington

Member since

April 2019