
MCD2070 - Law A4 Paper (2 pages front and back a4) with final grade of 93 (HD) Week 1 - Introduction to the Australian Legal System, Law of torts, Negligence (physical and property damage) Week 2 - negligent misstatement (direct & indirect), negligence (pure economic loss) Week 3 - Law of contract (offer&acceptance) Week 4 - Law of contract (intention, consideration, promissory estoppel) Week 5 - contractual terms (express terms) Week 6 - contractual terms (implied terms & remedies) Week 7 - Law of contract (vitiating factors under statute, remedies) Week 8 - business structures (agency, partnership) Week 9 - business structures (corporations) Week 10 - business structures (corporations)


Semester 1, 2018

4 pages

5,551 words



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