
These are high quality HD notes that will greatly assist you in both the completion of assignments and when studying for exams. Each topic is covered in depth, with more details on concepts which are generally considered to be more challenging, such as management theories. These notes have also been created with the final exam structure in mind and cover all readings and weeks in the course. These notes contain everything you will need when preparing for both assignments and the exams, as opposed to splitting information up like other purchasable notes. The way these notes are set out are as follows: -At the start of each week there are a number of objectives set out, derived from the textbook, the subject outline and the lectures. -The notes for that week are a combination of the key points from the lecture, the textbook, tutorial discussions and some extra research on the more complex areas of study Subheadings from the textbook and lectures are often used to structure the notes for that week to simplify concepts. The following topics are covered in these notes (which cover all weeks): -Managing and Organisations in Changing Contexts -Managing Sense making -Managing Bureaucracy and Management Theories -Managing Human Resources -Managing Cultures -Power and Politics -Globalisation -Leading and Coaching -Teams and Groups -Managing innovation, Change and Organisational Design -Managing Knowledge and Learning


Semester 2, 2018

98 pages

24,606 words



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