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NEUR30003 Principles of Neuroscience - Why Study the Nervous System: What does it do?; The Cellular Basis of Neural Function; Neural Communication and Plasticity; How Should the Brain Be Studied?; Development of the Nervous System; Touch; Visual System: The Retina; Higher Cortical Processing of Visual Information; Hearing; Gustation and Olfaction: Taste and Smell; Autonomic Nervous System; Neural Control of Digestion; Lower Motor Neuron; Upper Motor Neuron; Modulation of Movement: Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia; Modulation of Basal Ganglia with Optogenetics; Sensory-Motor Integration; Learning and Memory Systems; Molecular Mechanisms of Memory; Memory: Time, Place and Space; Pain; Fear & Anxiety; Pleasure & Reward; Meta-Plasticity: Developmental Disorders; Disorders of the Nervous System; Evolution and Brains: In What Way Do Brains Differ?; What are Modern Humans: Language; The Pre-Frontal Cortex: Social and Other Cognitions; Proof of Our Existence: Consciousness


Semester 1, 2018

189 pages

49,474 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

Member since

November 2018