
Here is 24 page summary which I relied on in my exam to achieve a High Distinction. It contains a summary of every theory discussed. Hope it helps you as much as it helped me! TOPICS INCLUDE: Natural law theory: Aristotle, Cicero, Aquinas, Blackstone Natural rights theory: Hobbes, Locke Revived Natural law theory: Fuller, Hart, Finnis Modernism: Descartes Liberalism Legal positivism: Bentham, Austin, Hart Marxism and Marxist legal theory: Marx, E.P Thompson, Gramsci, Althusser, Pashukanis, Critical Theory Sociological legal studies: Weber, Durkheim, , American Legal Realism (including Holmes, Llewellyn, Frank), Critical Legal Studies Postmodernism Feminism (including liberal, radical, cultural, postmodern, black, pragmatic) Critical race theory Post-colonialism theory Dworkin These notes were all that I relied on in the exam, however they came from a larger set of notes which I am also selling just in case you like larger more in depth notes. GOODLUCK


Semester 2, 2017

24 pages

11,411 words



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UOW, Wollongong

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February 2015