
Summarized lecture contents and clearly-labelled pictures included for a better understanding! Content is not too summarized to ensure it is not too difficult to comprehend complex concepts. Topics: 1. Cell Organelles and their Functions 2. Medical Imaging 3. Evo-devo and Model Organisms 4. Fertilisation and Embryo Cleavage 5. Apoptosis and Cell Death 6. Gastrulation and Germ Layers 7. Germ Lineage and Sex Determination 8. Cell Communicatioin 9. Placenta 10. Notochords and Somites 11. Epithelial Cells 12. Development of the Nervous System 13. Neural Tube Development and Defects 14. Muscles 15. Cytoskeleton 16. Cell Junction and Extracellular Matrix


Semester 1, 2017

127 pages

19,185 words



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Monash, Clayton

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February 2016