- Uni. of Adelaide
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- Health
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Interesting and stimulating course.
7 years ago
Enthusiastic coordinators and a well run course.
7 years ago
Enthusiastic coordinators and a well run course.
7 years ago
Psych IB was fun and interactive. The workshops made sure the concepts we studied were physically de...
7 years ago
Hi all, I really enjoyed Psych 1B at Adelaide university in 2017. It covers a range of topics such a...
7 years ago
Was super interesting! the tutor was great and there was a lot of support available!
7 years ago
From what others say it was an "easy" course, and the material is fine, but the lecturers a...
9 years ago
Want to be an Entrepreneur? This is a great introduction into Entrepreneurship & Innovation.
9 years ago
I always used to get nervous for practicals but every time after the practical, I leave with with a...
10 years ago
There were some parts of this subject that I quite enjoyed. I enjoyed watching students get individu...
10 years ago
I enjoyed the classes with one particular lecturer. He seemed very passionate about what he was teac...
10 years ago
After finishing the end of semester exam, I found that I had to read through EVERY single lecture no...
10 years ago
Having just completed the end of semester exam, I feel that this course did not properly prepare me...
10 years ago
After first semester having figured out how to do the online tutorial this ended up being my best su...
10 years ago
This subjects studies lots of theoretical, methodological approaches in psychology. Also touches on...
10 years ago
Very interesting topics covered like personality, intelligence and subjective well-being. Lectures a...
10 years ago
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