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This note contains a mixture of lectures, tutorials and the textbook. This is a fully concise note which covers every case in the reading guide in grave detail. The topics covered in these notes are: - Topic 1 - Fundamental concepts, institutions and instruments - Topic 2 - State Legislative power - Topic 3 - Manner and Form requirements - Topic 4 - General Principles - Topic 5 - The External Affairs - Topic 6 - The Corporations Power - Topic 7 - Limits of Commonwealth Legislative power over the States - Topic 8 - Commonwealth Grants to the States - Topic 9 - Inconsistency - Topic 10 - The Executive power of the Cth - Topic 11 - Chapter III of the Constitution - Topic 12 - Implied Political Freedoms - Topic 13 - Freedom of Trade and Commerce See my Constitutional Law Exam notes


Semester 2, 2017

123 pages

55,954 words



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