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Assessment criteria wasn't explicitly stated, making the essays a difficult task. Nevertheless, the...

6 years ago


interesting course and would recommend if you like history, however the content at times seemed disj...

6 years ago


Easy pass if you put in the effort. The tutors are amazing and friendly. We always have a good laugh...

6 years ago


Very fun unit and I think even if you didn't do psychology in high school this would be fairly easy....

6 years ago


Very content heavy, so having year 11 and year 12 human biology knowledge will definitely benefit yo...

6 years ago


This was the best unit I've ever done, I absolutely loved it! I was a bit hesitant initially as I'm...

6 years ago


Exam content is reduced to only a few topics so its easy to study for

6 years ago


I personally found the content in this unit really interesting and there’s only two hours of lecture...

6 years ago


There is so much content in this unit!! It will really test your limits and push you to your max. Yo...

6 years ago


Improvements seem to have been made since last year (see below). I'd give the physiology 5 stars, th...

6 years ago


The unit has a lot of content. so even if you did human bio ATAR do not expect that this is enough t...

6 years ago


Nothing to fear here. Liz Quail and Daniella Ulgiati are solid lecturers and teach the content well,...

6 years ago


A good unit, the lectures are delivered by a diverse array of faculty (who are mostly good speakers,...

6 years ago


Interesting, well-run unit. Andrew Williams is a great lecture and explained everything well. The gr...

6 years ago


I liked how this unit was nicely separated into two topics, blood and drugs. The content was pretty...

6 years ago


Very intensive unit and can be quite challenging. The teaching, teaching material and support materi...

6 years ago


I did learn a bit about the use of endnote and had a fairly brief intro to essay writing but that wa...

6 years ago


I did human bio in year 12 and found that this unit was basically a repeat of the whole year in a li...

6 years ago


Quite a challenging unit but the exam is exactly the same every year so if you find the content diff...

6 years ago


Huge amount of content in this unit. It is challenging but fun if you stay up to date and do the wor...

6 years ago


Incredibly easy unit, did all the work in high school. Never watched a lecture and never went to a w...

6 years ago


The unit would be much better suited to being split up into two separate units since there is way to...

6 years ago


An easy unit to get high marks in. It is time consuming in terms of the weekly tutorial worksheets a...

6 years ago


Challenging unit throughout the semester. However, the exam was super easy - don't worry about the 2...

6 years ago

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