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The hardest unit I have done at UWA. Felt like literal hell.

1 year ago


This unit was very different from typical units and was practical orientated. Learning CAD can be qu...

1 year ago


Content heavy course but wasn't as difficult as MATH1011 to grasp concepts. Participation marks were...

1 year ago


Essentially an extensive repeat of year 11 ATAR microeconomics. It is easy to get a HD if you were g...

1 year ago


The tests and exams are quite difficult with an average of just over 50%. The pracs help to understa...

1 year ago


Statics work was relatively easy, statics lab also so. Attendance is easy marks. Dynamics work can b...

1 year ago


This unit requires you to really be up to date and study really well weekly. A HD is possible if you...

1 year ago


Way better than IMED2001 but still content heavy so this is not a walk in the park you really have t...

1 year ago


I didn’t like this unit. Unreasonably high workload for a first year unit. I did this unit in my sec...

1 year ago


Easy HD and very lenient marker but so boring and you have to submit quite a number of things. I lis...

1 year ago


I still got a distinction but this unit is kinda overrated in my opinion. There are 10 quizzes worth...

1 year ago


Pros: if you're passionate about Biology this one's for you! Interesting stuff and tutes where reall...

1 year ago


Such an easy HD unit. 25 percent is literally just attending class and participating in discussions,...

1 year ago


Filled with beta soyboy liberals but overall decent because no homework, would recommend.

1 year ago


Pretty decent because you can ez get 90%+ without watching any lectures, but enjoy being guilt-tripp...

1 year ago


Great unit. Difficulty wise easier than IMED2001 to study but still some challenges to be faced. The...

1 year ago


Solid unit, but slightly more challenging than previous IMED units. The microbiology content is dece...

1 year ago


This unit teach about x-ray diffraction in the first half. The content was not quite difficult. The...

1 year ago


This unit teach us about Work Health and Safety in the workplace. The first part was about Occupatio...

1 year ago


This unit is an easy ungraded pass as long as you submit all requirements on time and attend all ses...

1 year ago


Project 2 gets marked late so over 120 students get 0/30, and project 2 is so difficult. Literally h...

1 year ago


Projects were written just about as poorly as they could've been. The labs were good. Didn't watch a...

1 year ago


As long as you keep up with the lectures and tutorial questions each week, you will be fine. However...

1 year ago


Ingrid and Dino are nice people but this unit is just not interesting. It is not too difficult by an...

1 year ago

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