Psychology: the Science of Mind and Behaviour

Michael W. Passer, Ronald E. Smith

For sale by Anwen for $80

How to Think Straight about Psychology

Keith E. Stanovich

For sale by Bianca for $40

Psychology AUST

Michael W. Passer, Passer and Smith, Ronald Edward Smith

For sale by Isabella for $60

Psychology: Mind and Brain - Exam Notes

These notes are perfect for brushing up on your exam study. These are not comprehensive notes that c...

9 pages, 2501 words

PSYC1101 Notes

Notes from all of the lectures, topics include: -An introduction to learning: The secret of love -...

47 pages, 11827 words

PSYC1101: Key Concepts

This notes include the key concepts from the recommended unit textbook which is in line with the lec...

27 pages, 7865 words


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This was by far my best structured unit; it was super organised. It's very easy to get 16% of your grade guaranteed by just doing 8 quizzes (only needing to get one question right for each to get the full credit for the quiz), and participating in 8 research studies (which I enjoyed getting to do). I found the content interesting also for sure. I hadn't ever done psych prior to this so I wasn't use to doing a lab report like some others were, so this was definitely the most challenging part for me, but overall they did provide us with a lot of resources and helped guide us immensely with writing each section of the report, in the labs. I should have attended more labs than I did but with the few I attended, I did not find too helpful, with some ending after 30 minutes when they should be around 2 hours. In terms of the exam, it was all multiple choice, which I really liked. I agree with the person who said it isn't a conventionally HD-able unit but I also don't think it'd be too hard if you tried. Start the lab report early or at least on time!! Try stay on top of the readings, even though they're very easy to fall behind in.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

PSYC1101 is really fun - you'll cover awesome stuff like learning theory with a host of amazing lecturers. Even if the word "psychology" ever interested you at one point in your life, I'd still recommend doing it because its fun, challenging and a good all around intro

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

really fun unit--especially if you are new to psychology and interested in it. research participation for 8 credits is super achievable and you get to pick ur research to participate in. lab report is probably the hardest part if you are not used to writing reports but they give you all the data and all you need to do is to put it into a report. final exam is also pretty easy would recommend

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

personally this unit was super easy - i didn't do psych in high school but I found the concepts rather basic and easy to pick up. to study for the exam i just looked at the lecture slides and focused on the main concepts. by the end of the sem i didn't attend any labs and also stopped watching any of the lectures. there is a lot of content but it's not difficult by any means and is quite self-explanatory. the lab report is def the "toughest" part but if you very closely follow the lab report guide it is an easy HD. the exam is also very easy !

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

Not an easy unit to take if you haven't done psych before! If you've done psych atar, most of the content is similar so it'll be easy to catch on. The lab report was a little annoying and they were quite harsh in the marking of it but regardless, it was still quite an okay assignment! The labs were a little boring and towards the end of the sem, most people didn't even show up to them. It is very content heavy so wouldn't recommend taking this unit if you just want to do an easy elective. Super interesting content though!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

Not a conventionally easy HD, and no, the questions in the quizzes aren't reused in the exam like the older posts said. I wouldn't recommend as an easy elective, but take it if you want to have a basic understanding of psychology. Content and memorization heavy, but unit was very organized overall. Lectures weren't that great, but you'll do fine if you read the textbook. Labs were dry, but some content was interesting like the loci method and memory stuff. The main thing is the lab report and exam, but for the exam it was worth 50% of the grade. I recommend using their Mcgraw Hill self-study quizzes to memorize the textbook. The lab report was diffficult, especially if you're not used to reading science research papers. But I liked the fact that they were pretty clear on what you should do/ how you should write to score an HD. Overall, I recommend this unit.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

A great introductory psychology unit! it is content heavy but the exam is multiple choice so not too hard. The lab report is easy as they give you detailed guides, past HD examples and all the relative statistics. The labs are interesting but also easy to do at home as you really just go through the powerpoint slides in class, but great if you want to ask questions. 16% is automatically given to you if you attempt the quizzes (no matter if you fail) and do the credit points. The lectures are very well organised and very informative! 10/10 recommend.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Very interesting content covered in lectures BUT quite a lot of stuff for a level 1 unit. You have to do research participation so sign up and attend student run experiments, as well as keep up with lectures and write a lab report and then an exam... I found it hard to juggle all this on top of three other units when I still hadn't figured out lms or settled into uni If they offer it for second semester or even do it as an elective for second year, I'd suggest that as at can be a lot to start with straight from highschool.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

PSYC1101 was definitely one of the most well-organised units, all resources and requirements are fairly clear. The UCs, the lecturers and the tutors were super friendly, and they really did their best to make sure the offshore students receive the same level of support and resources as onshore students. But the unit was not an easy HD, it really depends on the individuals. If you're moderately interested in the subject (not enrolling just for the HD) and can manage time well enough to read through the textbook, you'll find that the unit content is fairly straightforward. Even though they are not reusing quizzes, the final exam came from 95% of the textbook, and the lectures covered about 50-70% of the textbook. If you read the textbook and do the review quizzes, the final exam is pretty HD-able. For me, the lab report was the hardest (but to be fair, I suck at writing lab reports). Another tip from me would be to use Studiosity for lab reports and to plan the schedule for the research participation ahead of time.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

I took this unit as an elective. Last time I learned science, that was 5 years ago, so I struggled a bit in the beginning. I spent about a week on the lab report because it was worth quite high and got 83% for it. The final exam turned out easier than expected and you don't actually need to read the textbook because 95% of it came from the lectures. I was lucky I watched all the lectures because I know some people who read the textbook only and ended up struggling during the exam because some stuff in the lectures were not in the textbook. Got an HD in the end with minimal effort. Kinda stressed me out a bit though, but you'll be ok as long as you keep up with the lectures and get 100% on the quizzes and research participation (time is the only thing you need to get 100% on them, so don't lose marks). Don't know anything about how well the unit coordinators or lab demonstrators handle students as I never emailed them throughout the semester but they seemed alright.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021