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This subject started off quite well with a good overview of organic chemistry. It went into some det...

7 years ago


This course gives a good theoretical introduction to the physics behind many of today's important te...

7 years ago


This subject is a great introduction to chemistry. It assumes a pretty basic understanding from HSC...

7 years ago


This subject picks up pretty much where HSC Extension 2 maths leaves off, and won't be too challengi...

7 years ago


This is quite an interesting subject, and I believe is important knowledge for anyone looking at doi...

7 years ago


This subject was a good introduction to some of the basic concepts in physics. The material was taug...

7 years ago


This is quite an interesting subject, and provides a few tantalising glimpses at the importance of c...

7 years ago


Subject well run and organised, with detailed feedback from assignment. However, if you are not the...

7 years ago


This subject is not as scary as I was told it was going to be. I do enjoy biochemistry, to a certain...

7 years ago


I enjoyed this subject despite not having a strong passion for mathematics. Great course!

7 years ago


This course was quite challenging for those who do not have a great background in mathematics. In hi...

7 years ago


Lecturers are really passionate about this subject, the assessments are quite straightforward and no...

7 years ago


I picked this subject up as an elective that fit into my timetable, but I was pleasantly surprised a...

7 years ago


The lecturers and tutors are really helpful and able to explain everything quite well.. If you can k...

7 years ago


Fascinating unit! This was my first BMED subject. Very VERY steep learning curve so make sure you ha...

7 years ago


There is a lot of route learning and memorising in this course (organic chem), however, it becomes o...

7 years ago


Stephen is one of the best lecturers in economics. He explains the content very clearly and in an en...

7 years ago


Alyssa is a very sociable lecturer who made the class engaging and fun! The course is easy to follow...

7 years ago


Robert (or 'Bob') is an engaging lecturer, and the topics we explored were interesting. We learn how...

7 years ago


What we explored in this course was interesting (e.g. game theory, collusion, double marginalisation...

7 years ago


Stella is a good lecturer, she does a wonderful job in explaining the content and engages the class...

7 years ago


The exam is retarded. You need to know the content in such excruciating detail just to get one quest...

7 years ago


Very well taught course and easy to do well, however a majority of the course is organic chem, and i...

7 years ago


Extremely difficult subject and the marking is a bit harsh on the assignment.

7 years ago

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