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Most dry and boring unit of study to do for a rather interesting subject.

7 years ago


I initially enjoyed this course until I realised it was completely one-sided and leftist. It literal...

7 years ago


Avoid it like the plague if you can. You won't actually know what's going on in the lab until week 7...

7 years ago


Lectures were fine but the assessments were really unclear and unfairly marked. I would receive over...

7 years ago


This subject seems difficult and confusing at first. Especially if you are new to statistics. Laying...

7 years ago


The most important subject if you want to go further in medical sciences, bar none. You probably...

7 years ago


Very similar to PSYC1002, with even a few of the same faces! Another great first year course -- h...

7 years ago


Another great CHEM subject. First year CHEM at USyd is exceptionally good. The two halves of this...

7 years ago


Really fun math subject, actually. It has a lot of different parts to it, and it's hard to see ho...

7 years ago


Great subject, but be prepared -- it's essentially six 'mini-subjects' in one. You will like some mo...

7 years ago


Really great introduction for those students who didn't do Chemistry in high school. The first few w...

7 years ago


Great subject -- gives a very comprehensive overview of the human body in terms of basic anatomy (st...

7 years ago


Don't underestimate this subject. It starts out very basic, with means, medians, modes, etc. Then be...

7 years ago


Do the intro quiz on the website in week 1. If you struggle, then you absolutely should switch to MA...

7 years ago


This key to survive this subject is focus on the tutorial questions, the calculation and understandi...

7 years ago


The lecturer Jane finishes the lectures 20 minutes early instead of spending the time explaining the...

7 years ago


Generally very well run, with interesting content and lecturers. Assessments are fairly easy and str...

7 years ago


Content can be a little dry, but topics covered consolidate and form foundations for the other third...

7 years ago


Complete waste of time

7 years ago


Fantastic unit in research - really focused on teaching how to be critical of the research you come...

7 years ago


A really challenging unit but most of the lecturers were fantastic and really gave you the tools to...

7 years ago


Very hands-on and inclusive course providing a fantastic foundation for leadership in mental health...

7 years ago


Very thorough introduction to CBT and provided very hands on workshops. Fantastic hands on assessmen...

7 years ago


A great subject where you can take all the theories and methods you have learned in previous units a...

7 years ago

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