
Knox, Bruce

For sale by Graeme for $25


Pauline Y. Ladiges, Barbara K. Evans, Robert Saint, Bruce Knox

For sale by Vincent for $120

BIOL10005 Semester 2, 2016 Lecture Summary (H1)

Full summary of lectures for BIOL10005 with bolded key words and comes with pictures and tables for...

78 pages, 22700 words

BIOL10005 Detailed Summary Lecture Notes (HD)

Hello! These are the lecture notes for BIOL10005 that have been written in immense detail. I found t...

140 pages, 32729 words

BIOL10005: Genetics & the Evolution of Life ALL lecture (1-36) notes

Covers all topics in detail covered throughout the semester

36 pages, 8149 words

Complete BIOL10005 Notes - H1 Results

Comprehensive notes from all lectures 1-36. These notes are useful as they are condensed summaries e...

96 pages, 23624 words

BIOL10005 Genetics and the evolution of Life (First Year Biology) H1 Notes

For this subject, I wrote brief notes in class then cleaned them up and cross-checked with reference...

90 pages, 32690 words


$45 per hour

My name is Angus, and I have had a lifelong passion for science that has carried me through a bachel...


$60 per hour

I am a final-year Doctor of Medicine student at the University of Melbourne, having graduated in 201...


$40 per hour

Hello, my name is Sharon! I graduated with a BSc Food Science from Unimelb in 2022. I averaged 86.5...


$50 per hour

BSc in Chemistry (WAM:84) / MSc in Chemistry (WAM:80) / M Data Science (WAM:83) / $50/hr for compreh...


$40 per hour

4 years experience tutoring unimelb subjects I Dean's Honour List (top 1.5% of the cohort) | WAM 90....


$90 per hour

***GAMSAT, MMI and Unimelb subjects*** Hello! My name is Sophie. I'm currently studying Doctor of...

Sher Maine

$55 per hour

Graduated from the University of Melbourne with a Masters in Biomed with more than 5 years of teachi...


$80 per hour

Hello! My name is Heidi and I am currently studying the Doctor of Medicine and am in my third yea...


$50 per hour

Hi everyone!! My name is Elena! I completed a Bachelor of Science, a Graduate Diploma of Science -...


Fair bit of content and huge in scope, they throw a lot of different types of content at you. A lot of memorisation of random organisms and stuff like that, but it is not impossible to do well, especially if you enjoy the content.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

An exhausting subject that feels like their content can’t decide what it feels like doing. You do genetics for the first half, which mind you has no discernible difference between module 1 and 2 and is just a clusterfuck, then for the third quarter you’re ass deep in 3rd year ecology shit learning about the existence of shit like choanoflagellates; what are they you might ask? I don’t fucking know because it was skimmed over in 2 seconds out of all the collective contact hours but you bet there’ll be a 6 mark question on them in the exam. And you also have a whole ass prac where you stare at flowers and rip them apart to be like huh yep that’s a fuckin flower alright. Then for the last quarter they’ll throw you back onto some random genetics stuff again out of nowhere and by god if I hear Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium ever again I WILL kill myself. Do not do this subject unless it is absolutely essential for your career path.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

Great subject if you like genetics, fairly easy too

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

Pretty great subject!! Personally found some of Alex's fungi lectures to be quite dry but enjoyed the rest of the content covered. Genetics part is really interesting. Some of the genetics content can be a bit tricky to learn but if you do all the tute questions you'll do fine on the assignment/exam.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

Definitely better than BIOL10004 in terms of content etc. Pracs weren't too challenging if you do the work beforehand and the genetics part was really interesting as well.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

love it since I love genetics

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

This subject had a steep learning curve for me because I hadn't done biology since year 9 of high school, but with some hard work, I was okay. I kept a list of new vocabulary so that I could glance back and see my own explanation of it. The material itself was pretty interesting, but I found there was too much of a focus on memorising facts rather than learning concepts. The exam was mostly multiple choice, which I thought was a bit of a joke, but whatever. Things have probably changed since I did the subject in semester 2, 2012. (The oldest option in the drop-down menu is semester 1, 2017, so I'll select that.)

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Very interesting and wholesome subject. Great introduction to many important biological fields - genetics, evolution of animals, evolution of life and plants. Lectures mostly very interesting and colourful. Pracs pretty straightforward, relatively easy to score well. Tutorials also cover hard things properly. Do whole sample exam as Qs may be repeated in the exam!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

The best subject! I think that it is a really good subject as an introduction to Biology. Having never done Biology before, the content is quite basic and useful. The prac can be boring but the lectures are not hard to understand. Overall an engaging and interesting subject! LOVE IT :D

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

Interesting subject which leads on from BIOL10004. This subject features a decent teaching group, the likes of which include some very interesting lecturers, and some who are quite brilliant at lecture delivery. The content and examinations are fair, and the subject itself is quite simple when compared to later year's content.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017