- Subjects
- Law
- 811 UNE Law textbooks
- 18 UNE Law tutors
- 198 UNE Law ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Law subjects at UNE...
Good subject, interesting details. If you're a distance student, be ready for some tough lectures to...
9 years ago
Xanthe Mallet is an awesome lecturer and very knowledgeable in her field, as all the lecturers are....
9 years ago
This is a well-taught and informative unit. I would recommend this unit to anyone who has an interes...
10 years ago
Julia is a fantastic lecturer!
10 years ago
Very interesting unit that touched on agriculture law, water law, native vegetation, fisheries law,...
10 years ago
A great unit, although my advice would be to really keep on top of the readings and work. There is a...
10 years ago
Difficult and uninteresting
10 years ago
Interesting and challenging
10 years ago
Grate unit best law and ethics unit and no exam
10 years ago
Excellent subject
10 years ago
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