- Subjects
- Law
- 811 UNE Law textbooks
- 18 UNE Law tutors
- 198 UNE Law ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Law subjects at UNE...
Keep a diary of your participation in "whiteness" and have it marked by the local Aboriginal Centre....
11 months ago
Cindy was great as lecturer and gave great examples for each topic. Made it easy to follow some toug...
3 years ago
This was a great unit that was well-structured and largely based around the textbook. The lectures f...
4 years ago
It was comprehensive
4 years ago
Great subject
5 years ago
A basic introductory topic, the lecturer Brian is extremely dry and unhelpful, theres little reason...
6 years ago
Preferably done in your initial trimester, the skeleton of law.
6 years ago
great subject. really eye opening to Indigenous worldview and history
7 years ago
A fairly decent introductory subject!
7 years ago
Enjoyed this unit
7 years ago
Found some bits a little tough, but found it easier after doing several other units.
7 years ago
May as well title it "White people are evil"
Students are made to feel uncomfortable. Attacked for...
7 years ago
Interesting topic and covers a lot of legislation.
8 years ago
Such an intriguing class that keeps everyone interested. The discussions among students in tutorials...
8 years ago
Great subject with many real-world applications.
Make sure you do lots of practice questions for t...
8 years ago
Love love love this course, thoroughly enjoyed it!
8 years ago
This is quite an easy subject....gives you a taste for the other subjects in your degree
8 years ago
Bryan is a great lecturer. The unit can be tough but he wants to help you do your best. Keep on top...
9 years ago
Interesting and complex topic. Online learning resources were logically organised.
9 years ago
an very fascinating unit taught by lecturers who have been involved in our justice system
9 years ago
an intriguing unit that is a great introductory course to criminology
9 years ago
an amazing unit taught that introduces students to the complexity of deviance and how it is not alwa...
9 years ago
I loved this unit, easy content, straight forward and didn't demand much from students. Lectures wer...
9 years ago
Tutor hard to understand, text isn't brilliant (ended up buying Millers) and forgot to release the e...
9 years ago
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